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Making Aggieland’s grass greener with expert lawn treatment!

March 2022 Business Feature - The Fertilizer Guy, LLC

Aggieland-native Randy Clark and his wife Meagan own and operate The Fertilizer Guy, a lawn treatment company established in the spring of 2016. With humble beginnings–mowing lawns and doing small landscaping projects with his brother, Jay, from the age of sixteen–Clark did not really start his business until much later.

Clark met Meagan, who is now an elementary school teacher in Bryan, at a local church during their time at Texas A&M. Determined to save up enough money for their honeymoon, Clark began his lawn treatment business as a side gig. After three years, it became a full-time job.

“I kind of got fired up about treating yards originally because I thought, ‘well, I could do this and make some extra money fertilizing yards to pay for our honeymoon’ and then I just never quit doing it after that,” said Clark. It grew from not only fertilizing yards, but also keeping them weed and disease-free year-round.

From his father, who has been a local business owner since the ‘80s, he learned how to run a small business and work hard. From his mother, he learned effective communication. He said she has always been good with people and listening to their needs, important traits for a business owner.

Clark also noted that Kevin Hester, owner and operator of Kevin’s Landscapes, has been extremely supportive of him over the years.

“From a lawn care business standpoint, Kevin Hester is a huge influence,” said Clark. “It was a major help being able to bounce lawn-care related business and just general business questions off of him.”

And when it comes to lawn care, Clark said that his goal has always been to create beautiful lawns that their customers can enjoy and be proud of. “Lush green, weed-free lawns is the goal.”

“[We want to] give our customers a space to enjoy with their friends and family,” said Clark. “If we can do that, then we’ve done what we’re supposed to do.”

“If you find something that you don’t mind getting out of bed in the morning for and can be excited about, I think you’ve found a pretty good place, you know?”

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